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Ǽ ڼ   99

Ǽ ڼ 99

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25Ⱓ Ͻ ŷ 250 Ͻ ǹ Ͽ츦 ѹα ε Ʋ 99 Ͻ ʼ Ͽ. ŷó, Ǽ Ϳ ĵ, ǰ Ǽ Ǽҵ 籸 ߴ.


б  ϰ øб 縦 ڴ () ؿܰǼ ִ ٹϿ, ڿ ij ڰ Ͽ, Ѷ׷ Ǽ ÷Ʈ ϱ Ͽ , ߵ, ƽþ . 1996 ȿ 1 3õ ޷ ȹ ޼ϴ ۷ι ֱ⵵ ߴ. ѵ ǥ ؿ Ǽȸ , ߼ұû ڹ Ȱϰ ִ. ε ڴ 1999 ȸ ' Ͻ ', ' ' ؿ , 꼺 ǥȸ  ' ', '۷ι ҽ', ' ' þ ̴.
ڽ 25Ⱓ ջ 50 ٴϸ ؿܿٹ Ͽ츦 뼺Ͽ 2009, ʺ Ͻ Ǽ 99 Ⱓϰ Ǿ. ٸ δ ߼ұ ؿܸ ̵(1999), ϴ ͡(2002), ༭ġ(2003),()(2005) ڵ鿡 ް ִ ׵𼿷̴

Round 1 Ի ʻ : ̷ ǥ Ʋ~
1. // ǥ 08/07/2009 2009 ?
2. minutes ȸ 'ð()' ʹ ?
3. attendee/attendant '' '' 翬
4. mistake/error Ͻ 'Ǽ' mistake ƴ errorΰ?
5. We '(츮 ȸ)' Our company ƴ϶?
6. thanks to '~ ' thanks to?
7. copy ī(copy) (original) ȴ
8. Treated in Confidence 'ڽŰ' ϶?
9. trade secret ' ' Ѷ?
10. copyrights '' 'Ǿ'?
11. on the short list on the short list ª Ʈ?
12. blanket purchase agreement '䱸Ű'
13. the latest= īŻα? the latest edition of catalog
14. convention (convention) 'ȸ'θ ˸?
15. negotiation 'װ (nego)' ̾?
16. down payment ٴڿ
17. clear clear û 簡 ƴϴ
18. arm's length price 'ȱ ' 𸣸 ¡?
19. in the event that ' (if)'϶?
20. average 'average='
21. including but not limited to 츮 '' etc. ƴ
22. prejudice prejudice ~
23. misconstruction misconstruction '߸ Ǽ(νǰ)'?
24. agent/agency/dealer Ʈ,, ̰ ?
25. responsibility/liability 'å' 鼭 ߡ
26. damage/loss ''
27. patents pending patent is under application 'Ư '?
28. quota ũ(screen quota) 淡?
29. corporation ȸ̸, ۸ϸ
30. deal in/carry '޻ǰ' handling items ƴϴ
31. material material '' ؼϿ
32. testimonial letter ' ı' after-use- letter?

Round 2 ϼһ ʼ :  𸣸 ~
33. power of attorney ༭ 'ȣ ' ʿϴٰ?
34. net price شٸ鼭 ?
35. courtesy call 'ǹٸ ȭ' ȭ ƴ϶?
36. rebate 'Ʈ' ҹ()Ƽ
37. authority '' decision powerϱ?
38. attachment attachment 'μǰ' ˸ ҹ?
39. warrant/represent ǰ, ٲٴ ּ 2 !
40. letter of comfort ġ 'Ƚɼ༭' ʼ?
41. at your discretion '緮' ؼ !
42. honor honor ''ӰԸ Ҹ ϴ
43. final reminder 'ä (ְ)' ߿
44. due diligence agreement ' ٸϰ ' ༭?
45. instrument ༭ '' ?
46. subsidiary/affiliated company 迭, Ϸ
47. commission Ŀ̼ '' ƴϴ?
48. bottom line '뼱'̶ Կ ٴ ϡ
49. earnest money 'Dz ' earnest money?
50. duty duty ' 'θ ˸ å
51. insurance policy 'å'̶ å?
52. agreement/contract '' agreementΰ, contractΰ
53. utility model 'ǿžƯ' practical use new design?
54. on behalf of/for 븮 instead of ~
55. to whom it may concern Ȯ ?
56. draft ࿡ draft 'ʾ()' ƴ ?
57. overhead '()' costΰ expenseΰ?
58. technical licensing ̼ ''ΰ, ''ΰ?
59. appropriate ϴ appropriate
60. balance 'ܱ(ܾ)' remaining amount?
61. cost estimation '꼭' cost calculation sheet
62. medical certificate/health certificate ǰ, ܼ?
63. goodwill good will() goodwill ٸŵ!
64. surety bond Ȯϰ(surety) ٴ (bond) ƴ϶?
65. in consideration of in consideration of ϴ Ƴ
66. royalty 'οƼ(royalty)' ü
67. producer ۱ PD ü ܾ?
68. subject to change ' ϴ' Ͻ ٿ ǥ?
69. severance agreement 'ذ' dismissal, ׷ 'ذ() '?
70. brokerage ߰(broker) ˰ '' 𸣸?
71. a going concern a going concern ' ɻ'?

Round 3 ޻ : ϰ ʹٸ ͱ ~
72. ༭ ̹ Ѵٰ?
73. memorandum of understanding '޸' Ժη ϸ ū
74. letter of credit 'ſ (letter of credit)' ã?
75. fiscal year ȸ迬(fiscal year) δ?
76. shipment/delivery '(shipment)' 'ε(delivery)' ?
77. global sourcing Ը '۷ι ҽ'̶ ϸ 層
78. promissory note promissory note ط ġ ǰ
79. ton 1̶ 1 õ ųα׷ ƴϴ!
80. sales agreement ༭, export contract ϸ
81. brand-new car ߰, , ǥ?
82. advise Ͻ ſ '' ʴ advise
83. contingency plan emergency ߸ Ἥ Ż 翬
84. class action 'ܼҼ' group legal action̶ ߴϡ
85. proper law ' ' ˾Ҵٰ ̿ Դ
86. current assets assets 'ڻ'̸, current assets ڻ?
87. operative operative operate(۵ϴ)
88. address address ?
89. right of first refusal 켱 '' ִ Ǹ?
90. acquiring firm M&A 𸣴 'μ' ǥ
91. cold storage warehouse refrigerator, ׷ 'õâ '?
92. accounts payable 'Ұɰ' ̾?
93. Articles of Association 'ȸ (γ)' ?
94. party ༭ ϴ پ party
95. full-coverage insurance = full amount compensation insurance? ׺
96. treasury stock 'â (ͷ)' ȴ?
97. national treatment national treatment 鷯!
98. doubtful account ҹ ǽɵǴ ?
99. side letter '̸' back face agreement?

ٷ ãư Index 忡 ! Summary


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(ѱ 40̳)
 ۼ ۼ õ

ϵ ϴ.