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Five Minute Biographies For Your Success

Five Minute Biographies For Your Success

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1888 11 ̱ ָ Ÿ ִ 忡 ¾. ָ ׺귡ī 硤 ȸȰ ϸ鼭 и ߴ.1912 YMCA ϴ ȭ ϰ Ǹ鼭 ̸ ˷ Ǿ. ߽ Ǵ dz α⸦ .

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׷ ״ 󿡼 ΰ踦 ϱ ̷ ߴ. 15 ī ΰ å ߰ߴ. 1936⿡ Ⱓ å īױ ΰС( : How To Win Friends And Influence People) īױ ΰ ־ 6õγ ǸŵǴ ̷ο .

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1. The World's Most Famous Woman Scientist Once Slept Under a Chair to Keep Warm -MADAME CURIE
2. The Deaf, Dumb and Blind Girl Who Was Likened to Napoleon -HELEN KELLER
3. He Made More Millionaires Than Any Man Who Ever Lived -ANDREW CARNEGIE
4. She Turned Him Down Because He Had "No Prospects"His Name Was John D.! -JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER
5. He Knew the Telephone Numbers of More Beautiful Girls Than Any Man in History -FLORENZ ZIEGFELD
6. His Peasant Mother Went Barefoot to Pay For His Music Lessons and He Became the Greatest Singer in the World -ENRICO CARUSO
7. "He Sought the Secrets of the PoleHe Found the Secrets of God" -CAPTAIN ROBERT FALCON SCOTT
8. He Once Picked Grapes to Pay His Rent Today His Voice Is Worth a Fortune -LAWRENCE TIBBETT
9. Shakespeare Had a Shot-Gun Wedding -WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
10. He Went to School For Only Four YearsYet He Wrote Seventeen Immortal Novels -CHARLES DICKENS
11. He Refused to Invest Money in a Newfangled Contraption Called the Telephone -MARK TWAIN
12. Three Little Words"Can You Cook?"Led Him to the Ends of the Earth -MARTIN JOHNSON
13. The Missionary Who Got on the Wrong Trainand Became a Famous Magician - HOWARD THURSTON
14. Two-Cent Newspapers Bought Him Castles in Spain, Cuckoo Clocks, and Egyptian Mummies -WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST
15. At 26 He Was a Star; at 53 a Has-Been; at 57 the Greatest Actor in America -LIONEL BARRYMORE
16. The Play That "Wasn't Worth Bothering About"Became the Greatest Drama Since Hamlet -SOMERSET MAUGHAM
17. A Small-Town Insult Made Him the Greatest Criminal Lawyer of His Time -CLARENCE DARROW
18. Stick His Head in a Lion's Mouth?Not without a Gas Mask! -CLYDE BEATTY
19. The Ill-Wind That Wrecked a Whole Townand May Yet Save the World from Insanity -THE MAYO BROTHERS
20. He Was Ashamed of Having Written Two of the World? Greatest Novels -LEO TOLSTOY
21. They Came After Him With Guns and T.N.T.But He Still Raised Easter Lilies -J. PIERPONT MORGAN
22. The Spinster Who Turned Down the Marriage Proposals of a Thousand Men and Rode a Snorting, Bucking Horse -EVANGELINE BOOTH
23. The Ballplayer Who Led a Million Souls Down the Sawdust Trail to Salvation -BILLY SUNDAY
24. He Was Shot in the Breast; But He Kept Right on With His Speech -THEODORE ROOSEVELT
25. He Was Faced With One of the Greatest Opportunities in History; Yet He Failed Because He Couldn't Handle People -WOODROW WILSON
26. The "Tough Guy" Who Went Through High School in Three Months and Wrote Fifty-One Books in Eighteen Years -JACK LONDON
27. He Got $49.49 a Word For a Book He Was Sorry He Ever Wrote! -CHIC SALE
28. What The Movies Didn't Tell About the Bengal Lancer -FRANCIS YEATS-BROWN
29. Once Doomed to Die for Want of Ten CentsHe Lived to Tear Up $1,000,000 -AL JOLSON
30. Fired from Four NewspapersHe Won the Nobel Prize and Thought It Was a Gag -SINCLAIR LEWIS
31. He Offered a Million Dollars For a Bride -DIAMOND JIM BRADY
32. She Resold Her Morning Paper and Spent Hours in the July Sun Sorting Rags, to Increase Her Fortune of $65,000,000 -HETTY GREEN
33. He Earned Five Thousand Dollars a Day, Yet He Searched Garbage Cans for Food for His Pet Vulture -JOHN BARRYMORE
34. He Stepped Outside for a FightWhile He Was Gone He Broke the Bank and Won $10,000! -ELY CULBERTSON
35. New York's Queerest Rich Family -THE WENDEL FAMILY
36. The Mystery Man Who May Have Been Responsible for the Death of Someone You Know -BASIL ZAHAROFF
37. The "Perfect Lover" Who Chewed Tobacco, Bit His Fingernails, and Drank Wine Out of Human Skulls -LORD BYRON


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